What’s the right price to offer on that new Claremont Neighborhood home which just came on the market?
It depends upon recent sales information!
We provide detailed Comparable Sales Analysis (aka “CMA”) for our sellers and buyers so they have the information they need to make informed decisions.
The graph gives a vivid overview of neighborhood activity. Each home is different, so we provide our clients with updated information each time they want to make an offer.
The data would just be data without interpretation and analysis… and that’s how we create value for our clients. We routinely negotiated 3-10% price changes (up or down) depending upon if you’re selling or buying.
You can easily find a real estate agent who sells homes for less.. or who will rebate part of their commission to you. We specialize in working with clients who want to sell for higher net sales prices, or purchase for lower prices…. rather than those who just want lower fees or rebates.
Email se****@be***********.com or call 510-526-6668 for more information.
Live update of East Bay Berkeley, Albany, Kensington, Rockridge…homes by neighborhood!
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