We have just compiled the most perfect disclosure package ever made.
Just about every document is a digital original (printed to PDF rather than scanned), just about every signature is a digital signature.
The cover sheet was created in Excel, so I calculated the PDF page number that each document begins on.
The file names are also created in Excel, and are highly structured so that I know exactly what the document is, and when it was created.
For example:
Carol is now proofing my work – and I’m awaiting independent confirmation of my claim.
No trees were harmed in the creation of this compiled disclosure package.
You can take Ira Serkes out of Engineering, but you can’t take Engineering out of Ira Serkes.
You guys must have the most mandatory disclosures I have seen in two decades, helping over 2,000 folks sell or buy homes.
Over here in Virginia, the sellers are given the option to fill out a detailed disclosure and sign it in blood, OR they can sign a simple disclaimer that says “Caveot Emptor”… buyer beware.
If you want to know the condition of the house and/or its surrounding environment, hire all the expert inspectors you please, but don’t look to the seller to disclose ANYTHING.
Also, we don’t have to “Clear Escrow”… we just have a simple, forty-five minute roundtable settlement, with an attorney sitting at a table with sellers, buyers, and agents, signing papers and exchanging keys.
The sellers have few documents to sign, so they hand over the keys to the now-vacant house to the buyers and leave early.