Thinking of selling your home in Berkeley? Be sure to have a home inspection!
We always recommend that sellers get a set of inspections before they put their home on the market.
A home inspection by an American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI – http://www.ashi.org) member is the first step.
After the inspection, you’ll receive a written report (with photos)
The home inspector give an overview of your home’s condition, and will recommend which items need to be repaired or investigated further. Typical items include installation of new electrical service, upgrading the earthquake retrofitting, replacing the furnace, or removing asbestos ducting.
It’s important that you take care of health and safety items (faulty heater vent, improper wiring) promptly.
Buyers are often less concerned about other items. For that reason we always review the reports to let our sellers know what should be repaired, and which items and repair estimates can simply be disclosed to potential buyers.
We’ve put together a superb team of specialists to investigate further, and provide repair estimates.
Have questions? Just call 510-526-6668 or email se****@be***********.com
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