We decided to have an early start to the Labor Day weekend.. and went to see The Visitor at our neighborhood theater, The Oaks.
At night, it shines like a beacon at the top of Solano Avenue…. and we want to keep it shining for years to come!
So.. whenever you see a movie, check to see if it’s playing at Berkeley’s Thousand Oaks Theater!
Sex And The City has come, and gone (so to speak)… but the Oaks usually has another wonderful movie playing.
And the popcorn is fresh!
The Solano Stroll is on 14 Sep 2008, in about two weeks – they often have free cartoons in the afternoon. It’s pleasant way to get out of the sun, and gives you a chance to see how beautifully the theater’s been restored.
Email se****@be***********.com or call 510-526-6668 for more information.
Live update of East Bay Berkeley, Albany, Kensington, Rockridge…homes by neighborhood!
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