All our children have four legs and fur … and Poudini (Puddy Houdini, the escape artist) & Baby T (short for Baby Terrorist). now rule the roost.
Baby T awaits her entourage of admirers
Baby T is a dog-cat, is purring next to me as I write this, and has an entourage of admirers up and down the street.
Poudini surveys her domain
Since all our children (that I know of) have four legs and tails, we want to give other fur children the opportunity to have forever homes. That’s why we support the Berkeley Humane Society and even donated a car to them.
Thank you, again, for your vehicle donation to Berkeley-East Bay Humane Society… the gross sales proceeds for your vehicle were $3,750.
Berkeley Humane Society
We’ll find your two and four-legged family a home they’ll love too!
#Serkes #BerkeleyHumane #Cats #Dogs