More than 30 years ago I rented a wonderful apartment in the Berkeley Hills. It was between the Temple of The Wings (2800 Buena Vista Way) and Hume Castle (2900 Buena Vista Way).
The scent from the Eucalyptus trees was delightful, and it was magical to wake up and be above the fog which blanketed Berkeley. On chilly evenings I had a roaring fire in the huge fireplace.
Why am I telling you this? Because you now have the opportunity for your own special place in the Berkeley Hills.
Imagine the most amazing loft, with golden wood floors, a wide deck across the entire front, painted ceilings, and a huge fireplace of your own.
And the ability for renters to help make the payments.
Historic rock quarry building converted to a residence in 1917, could be an amazing home, or combine top two units for utterly unique grand lodge living space. Stunning wood details, balcony with bay and Mt. Tam Views, stepped down the hill.
Four Units
The Top – high above Shasta Road
The Loft – Amazing! Will it remind you of a Cathedral… or the computer game Myst… perhaps an Amphitheater… or, with its huge fireplace, one of the Maybeck on Buena Vista Way or Maybeck Twin Drive?
Unit The Third – the most conventional
Unit The Lowest – Gothic Windows and an intriguing layout
This is one of our hand crafted homes where pictures are worth 10^3… or 10^6 words.
Are you interested in shared housing? Always wanted a piece of history?… Thinking of a loft, but really want a view?.. have an extended families (in a unique Berkeley kind of family) or son(s) or daughter(s) attend UC Berkeley? Then this might be just for you!
We realized that this isn’t for everyone…. so this unique property will be shown by appointment.
Email se****@be***********.com, call 510-526-6668 or Toll Free 800-887-6668 for more information.
Overseas Visitors… please let me know your country and time zone and I’ll set an appointment for a VOIP Phone Call or Video Conference on Skype or .Mac (just Skype Serkes or add se****@ma*.com on your .mac account.
Visit for the extensive photo portfolio… and what it’s like living in North Berkeley, the Berkeley Hillls… and owning/managing Berkeley Rentals.
USD $1,500,000
Approximate Price in your currency:
GBP £770,265
EUR €1,030,980
CAD $1,499,865
CHF SFr. 1,649,805
AUD $1,661,475
CNY ¥10,787,250
ZAR ZAR 11,756,895
MXN N$16,128,450
RUB 37,069,500?.
JPY ¥160,687,500
Source 10 Feb 08
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