Richard Saul Wurman founded Access Press (my favorite guidebook in the 90s) and also TED – Ideas Worth Spreading.
I’ve known about TED and TEDx for many years, but never attended one until yesterday.
I’ve been fascinted by intergration of art, engineeering and technology ever since the mid 60s. Pete Saltini, Emmy Van Exter and I invited EAT – Experiments in Art & Technology to the first joint orientation program for artists, architects, and engineers at Cooper Union’s Green Camp in 1969.
Awesome is a word I only use to describe people and events which fill me with awe.TEDxBerkeley (#TEDxBerkeley) at UC Berkeley’s Zellerbach Hall on Saturday 4 Feb 2012 was awesome!
Want to find out more? Visit TEDxBerkeley and read blog posts on
TEDx Sites
Web Site
My photographs give a sense of the passion we saw yesterday. These photos are my favorites; I uploaded about 250 photos yesterday to one of my server sites
You may use my photographs in any way you wish.
The easiest way is to link to them – I created two folders of photos – one for web (720 pixel) and the other resized to fit an iPad (1024 pixel) screen. I also have high resolution RAW 20-26 MB images in Adobe Photoshop DNG format. Email se****@be***********.com and I’d be delighted to get those files to you.
Here’s the flickr collection where you can view the hundreds of photos, organized by speaker or performer.
Lindsey Stirling
Carl Bass
Connie K. Duckworth
David Ewing Duncan
Maria Fadiman
Ken Goldberg
Charles Holt
Gopi Kallayil
Jodi Lomask / Capacitor
Nipun Mehta
Tapan Parikh
Dr. Neha Sangwan
Tiffany Shlain
Robert Strong
Kevin Gong, Jennifer Barr, Renee Blodgett and Volunteers and Staff
These photos are fantastic, thank you for sharing!!!
thank you for such splendid photos. A real gift for those of us who were there.
Thank you Robert & James
The photos are my way to pay-it-forward and also show my appreciation for everyone who contributed to this marvelous event.