The Fourth Of July is one of those holidays, like Thanksgiving, that everyone can celebrate.
I’m about to head out to some parades… and thought I’d post one of my favorite photos from my recent trip to NYC… with that beautiful, gorgeous, red white and blue flag… and the Chrysler Building.
On my first trip to Prague in 1972, I passed machine gun guards, tight security, undercover police, and and a city clearly under Soviet domination.
I loved Prague, and was delighted to return with Carol.
But I can tell you that one of the most beautiful things I saw was our flag flying over the United States Embassy.
I’m listening to Rhapsody In Blue, from the Manhattan Soundtrack, as I write this.. and it never fails to bring tears to my eyes (perhaps a result of being born in Manhattan)
So.. enjoy this glorious holiday… and if you’re interested in seeing more of my NYC Deco Photos.. just click on my New York City Deco Photos link!
Here’s the link to my Midtown Manhattan Annotated Deco Map
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