When it came time to sell our home we were convinced that you were the folks to handle it. You were totally knowledgeable about our area and your marketing via the web was top notch. Your professionalism was outstanding. We greatly appreciated your being the “objective” party as we started to fold under the emotional roller coaster ride! You pulled us through.
You also showed compassion to our children that weren’t too convinced about this whole situation. After Ira let the boys take photos for the web page and told them about the antics of your cat Lucy, which were like those of our cats; the boys felt more comfortable about the whole selling process.
Thank you Ira and Carol for making this all possible, you are great.
John & Janet Mortensen
Research by the National Association Of Realtors shows buyers want:
Our Marketing Provides All The Information Buyers Need
We’ve created an extraordinary seller marketing program based upon how buyers search for homes, and what they need to make wonderful offers on their homes. Here’s a quick overview of how we do it.
Our COVID-Safe Marketing Portfolio Includes
Superb Photos
The first time buyers see your home is online!
Detailed Floor Plan
A 3D “Doll-House” View
Numerous 360º photos are seamlessly stitched together
so home buyers virtually “walk through”
your home’s “Doll House” from the comfort of their sofa
And Then … We Make Sure Your Home Shows Up On
Local & National Real Estate Web Sites!
Ready to take the next step? Let’s meet for a confidential consultation! Call 510-526-6668 or email se****@be***********.com
Selling your family’s long-lived-in home?
Ira & Carol Serkes
Our team of specialists takes care of all the details for you. Let’s talk.
About a year prior to selling our home at 1614 Visalia Avenue in Berkeley, we made the rounds on Sundays at all the neighborhood open houses to observe the selling agents in action, how they interacted with the visitors, the quality of their answers, and the information provided about the house and the neighborhood.
Our survey led us to pick Ira and Carol Serkes to eventually handle the sale of our home when we were ready to do so.
Frank & Kathy Francone
Marketing To Buyers – giving them what they want!
#Buyers #Online #Photos #Neighborhood #NeighborhoodInformation #Data #NAR #Realtor #Serkes