What used to be here?
1301 Berkeley Way A chance conversation at last night's Berkeleyside Open Office hours at PIQ led me to take these photos. That used to be .... think you know, add your comment below! Continue Reading
1301 Berkeley Way A chance conversation at last night's Berkeleyside Open Office hours at PIQ led me to take these photos. That used to be .... think you know, add your comment below! Continue Reading
1630 Franklin Street - Click on the photos to view the web site 1630 Franklin Street http://www.1630franklin.com Spectacular mid-century modern with a fresh new look on the market for the first time since it was built for the family in 1962. New interior and Continue Reading
Wendy and Polk Stewart have lived a few blocks away from us in Berkeley's Thousand Oaks Neighborhood for many years. I sat down with them a few weeks ago so they'd be able to tell you what makes their home ... and our 1000 Oaks Neighborhood so special. Carol and I have Continue Reading
If so, just click on the image below. It will take you to the flickr photo/video site where you can post your answer! Continue Reading
Michael Krisa, Brad Korn, Nyssa Smith & Ira Serkes talk Mac & Windows I've been a Mac User for over 20 years ... and for awhile felt like I might be the only Mac User in Real Estate. It's really a pleasure to see how many of my real estate agent friends have Continue Reading