Archives for May 2010
Memorial Day Ceremonies To Attend
For many years I've attended Memorial Day Observances - and hope you'll be able to attend one too. There are Ceremonies around the San Francisco Bay Area - here's where to find a Memorial Day Observance near you. I'll be at Mountain View Cemetery - The commemoration begins Continue Reading
The Himalayan Fair is at North Berkeley’s Live Oak Park Saturday & Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend
The wonderful Himalayan Fair is at North Berkeley's Live Oak Park this weekend. Dates & Times - Saturday 29 May (today 10:00 am to 7:00 pm), Sunday 30 May 10:00 am to 5:30 pm There's wonderful music, dance, food, and crafts. Visit the Himalayan Fair Website for more Continue Reading
Google Earth Integrates with Foursquare Checkins!
I love to read maps. Thanks to Guy Kawasaki's Holy Kaw! Alltop Blog, I know know how to integrate my FourSquare Check Ins with Google Earth! I can think of all sorts of cool ways to integrate my love of mapping with my love of Berkeley's wonderful neighborhoods. Click Continue Reading
Flickr is a superb place to post my Art Deco Photos
I just learned about a plug-in for my Wordpress Blog, so decided to take it for a test drive with this post! Oakland CA Art Deco Architecture - Oakland Fox Theater Continue Reading
Thousand Oaks Neighborhood Association Meeting – Coexisting with Wildlife in Our Neighborhood
Tonight's TONA (Thousand Oaks Neighborhood Association) meeting is about wildlife. The 4 legged wildlife we see in Thousand Oaks - deer, raccoons, squirrels, possums, and more ... not the wild life you might see near Berkeley's other watering holes. Roxanne Bowers, with Continue Reading